012 - Tests
For each package we’re adding unit-tests that are run via PHPUnit.
When designing tests, the following guidelines should be taken into account.
- Test class should be marked as
by default.
annotation must not be used, prefix methods with test
- The test method name must reflect the purpose of the test.
- “should” must not be used in test method name.
- If necessary, the test method phpdoc may describe the desired behavior.
- The test must be structured as AAA - arrange, act, assert that’s first we’re preparing what’s necessary then making calls
then asserting everything is correct.
- There must be one test case per test method that’s a single AAA.
- Test must use public API.
Private properties or methods shouldn’t be accessed, assumptions on internals
of the class tested shouldn’t be made.
- Tests shouldn’t rely on composer-config-plugin and DI container unless necessary.